Join our Membership!

As a member of OYT Scotland, you can enjoy the following benefits while supporting our charity! Join the OYT Scotland family today.

N.B. Money should not be a barrier for any volunteer. We understand not everyone can afford to support us in this way, especially during these difficult times. If this is the case for you, please don’t let this put you off! Get in touch with us at

OYT Scotland Membership Benefits


New Membership Signup

Sign up for a new OYT Scotland membership! Select the membership type you need, fill out the form and click Complete Payment.

If you are an existing member, Log In to your account first.

Still having issues? Contact

New Sailing Membership - New volunteers who need to attend an induction.

Existing Sailing Membership - Returning volunteers who need to renew.

Shore Membership - Volunteers who don't plan to sail.

Life Membership - Join us for life and never need to renew!

Joint Life Membership - For you and your partner.

Concession - If eligible you can receive any memberhsip type half price (excluding life/joint life). You are eligible if:

  • Under 25
  • Over 65
  • A Student
  • Unemployed


Membership *
 Please renew my membership automatically.
Total Amount
Please enter a Username to create an account. If you already have an account please login before completing this form.
Your Details
Billing Name and Address
Gift Aid Declaration
If you are a UK tax-payer, we can reclaim 25p for every £1 you donate! If you are not a UK tax-payer, please select No.
Please enter today's date.
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