Ashley, Lucie and Shaun prepare for open water challenge

Ashley Reid, Lucie Aitkenhead and Shaun Wiseman hit the sparkling shorelines of Skelmorlie on Saturday to acclimatise themselves with the water in preparation for an open water charity swim on 22nd June.

They will attempt to swim one-mile along the shores of Skelmorlie to raise much-needed funds for Ocean Youth Trust Scotland as it celebrates its 20th anniversary year.

On the challenge, Ashley commented: “This challenge will put me right outside my comfort zone. I’ve never done any open water swimming before and today was about getting acquinted with both the temperature of the water and wearing a wetsuit. I’m both nervous and excited about the challenge ahead and am hugely grateful to all those who have donated to encourage me so far. I’m doing this in the hope that I can raise money to make a difference to others who have not been so fortunate in their lives.”

Anyone wishing to donate to support Ashley, Lucie and Shaun can do so at

All money raised will go towards funding youthwork on the waves for disadvantaged young people.

Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people standing, cloud, sky, ocean and outdoor
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