Coronavirus (Covid-19)

At Ocean Youth Trust Scotland we are preparing to implement any guidance that may be issued from the UK or Scottish Governments in terms of managing the risks associated with Covid-19 (Coronavirus).

As of today’s date [12 March 2020) Ocean Youth Trust Scotland does not intend to cancel any planned voyages / events / training but will review any subsequent decisions taken by relevant partner organisations, industry bodies or the Scottish Government that may impact some or all of our future planned activities both ashore and at sea.

This statement will be updated as the situations develops.
Below are the links to a number of online resources which have the most up-to-date information on the virus, and cover what Coronavirus and COVID-19 are, symptoms, methods to protect yourself and your colleagues/communities from infection and what to do if you think you may have been exposed to the virus or have symptoms.

We want to ensure that our members, volunteers, partner organisations and the young people we support are safe and healthy, so please take the time to study these resources and share them with those you think will benefit.

Please feel free to call the OYT Scotland office on 01475 722 722 if you have any questions.

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