Get to know the OYT Scotland Volunteers! ⛵

In today’s ‘Meet the OYTS volunteers’ we meet long-standing supporter Iain Barbour. If ever you were under the illusion that living on a boat means surviving on simple fare, this man would change your view…

Today’s volunteer: Iain (Cordon Bleu) Barbour

⛵ Q: How long have you been a volunteer with OYTS and what is your role as a volunteer?

A: 15 years. Volunteer Skipper.

⛵ Q: What and with whom was your first sailing experience & what made you come back for more?

A: First experience with OYT was sailing up the Sound of Mull on a volunteer induction weekend with the legendary Pete Bentley as Skipper.  It was snowing, the waterfalls on the hills were blowing vertically upwards, and it was bitterly cold.  I loved every minute of it.  The promise of life changing sailing adventures with young people lured me back.

⛵ Q: Proudest or most memorable sailing moment?

A: Proudest moment was being handed a note by a young person as they left telling me how their experience aboard had in fact changed their life!  

Many memorable moments, but I certainly won’t forget taking Venturer into the Corryvreckan against the tide – for fun – and wondering what would happen if we actually fell into the tremendous whirlpool that was big enough to swallow us whole and was now spinning towards us.  Of course I knew we’d be fine and had a little power in reserve to get away (honest).  The young person on the helm was screaming at the top of her voice – in exhilaration!!

⛵ Q: What is your favourite part of being a volunteer with OYT Scotland?

A: Being part of a well trained, enthusiastic team of people that gets to spend time with young people as they find out that they can achieve more than they ever thought possible. And learning new ways to cook with saffron!

⛵ Q: If you were a boat, what kind of boat would you be and why?

A: A rumrunner – I like rum, more than ever at the moment ?

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