Public Complaints Policy

Statement of policy

Ocean Youth Trust Scotland is committed to providing a first class experience and service to its clients, be they young people, parents, teachers, volunteers or supporters.

We recognise that we may make mistakes from time to time, and that people may feel that the service they have received from us, or tried to receive from us, is unsatisfactory. We encourage feedback, both positive and negative, on all aspects of our organisation, so that we can maintain and improve standards on an ongoing basis. If an individual or organisation chooses to make a formal complaint, we will deal with this as quickly and fairly as possible and put things right where appropriate.


1. General principles

1.1 Scope
The purpose of this document is to set out for all parties concerned, OYT Scotland’s code of practice for dealing with formal complaints. (It cannot be used as an alternative or additional complaints mechanism to  our grievance and disciplinary procedures, which deal with the relationship between our staff)

1.2 Responsibility
The Chief Executive is responsible for ensuring that the policy and the procedures in this document are implemented efficiently and effectively. All other staff and volunteers are expected to facilitate this process.

1.3 Eligibility
Anyone engaging with or trying to engage with OYT Scotland can make a complaint. This includes trainees, voluntary sea-staff, parents, teachers, potential, current and past volunteers, voluntary organisations, funders, statutory bodies, etc. However, OYT Scotland does not respond to anonymous or abusive complaints.

1.4 Treatment of complaints
Complaints are taken seriously. Each complaint is treated equally, sensitively and in confidence. All complaints are handled with an open mind and investigated without prejudice. Complaints are dealt with promptly in an attempt to resolve them as quickly as possible. All complainants will receive a written explanation of the OYT Scotland response to their criticism.

2. Complaints method

2.1 First step
Complaints should be in writing, addressed to OYT Scotland’s Chief Executive. The Chief Executive will respond to the complaint within five working days of receipt. If it requires further investigation, the complainant will be made aware of this. It is hoped that most complaints will be resolved at this stage.

2.2 Second step
If the complainant is unhappy with the reply they have received (or if the original complaint is actually about the Chief Executive), they can appeal in writing to the Chair of OYT Scotland’s Board of Trustees within five working days. The Chair will let the complainant know in writing, within five working days of receiving this letter, that the complaint is being investigated further and that it will be presented to the next meeting of the Board of Trustees. The Board’s decision is final.

3. Monitoring and evaluation

3.1 OYT Scotland complaints
OYT Scotland monitors and evaluates complaints about the organisation on a regular basis and seeks to make ongoing improvements.

3.2 Feedback
Constructive feedback on this document is always welcome and should be directed in writing to the Chief Executive

3.3 Review
This document will be reviewed by the Board of Trustees on an annual basis, or sooner if circumstances change

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