VirginMoneyGiving no longer accepting donations

VirginMoneyGiving, one of the platforms we use to take online donations, has stopped accepting donations and all fundraising pages have been closed.

Fear not, any donations made between 1 December and 10 February 2022 will still reach us, but thereafter they will not.

All those who donate regularly by VirginMoneyGiving should have received a notification from them, and/or from us, and we will advise in the next few days as to an alternative platform through which people can donate.

In the meantime, if you wish to donate, you can do so via the DONATE page of the website or by bank transfer (which actually costs the charity less) – simply drop us a line and we can advise you.

Please feel free to contact the Fundraising Team on 01475 722 722 or at if you have any questions at all and we will update everyone soon. In the meantime, thank you so much for your ongoing support and your patience.

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