Youth Work Week 2022

It’s #YouthWorkWeek2022 and today’s theme is Equality and Rights ✊????

At OYT Scotland, we believe that all children should have the opportunity to realise their potential. Young people should be heard, valued and supported; their learning and development should nurture self-confidence, optimism and responsibility, leading them towards positive outcomes.

However, not all young people are given equal opportunities to achieve these attributes and attain the qualifications needed for future employment, and that’s where youth work comes in.

Our sail training youth work voyages offer an accelerated and unique learning environment which proves effective in the development of resilience, teamwork and self-confidence, not to mention the vocational and educational qualifications that can be gained as well. Young people learn the risk, and the value, of their actions, and the tangible result of seeing the boat change direction, increase speed or raise a sail, all contribute to a real sense of achievement that is hard sought in shore-based environments.

“Being on the boat has made me realise that I can do anything I want to if I put my mind to it.” – Young Person

This week serves as an important reminder about the inequalities that face young people today, but it also provides a platform to amplify their voices, to understand what alternative education delivery methods there are, and to reiterate the ways that youth work can help make a change for the better.

#ThisIsYouthWork and we are proud to be a part of it! 

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